Crown Heights, Brooklyn. 2/3/4/5/S to Franklin Ave.
Address and directions to location emailed separately to participants.
Join us for the third installment of the Brooklyn Yoga Brunch series! This time, we're happy to bring you an evening of yoga followed by a fresh cooked and nutritionally designed vegan supper. What better way to spend a Sunday night, setting a relaxing and nourishing tone for the week to come?
Description of Yoga:
For various reasons, many of us "check out" instead of paying attention to and working with our body. What happens when we set our intention and attention on feeling the fullest spectrum of sensation and emotion in the body? Through this learning (or un-learning) process, we can "show up" and gain tremendous insight and a deeper connection to intuition and spirit.Doreen will lead a yoga session playing with the tools of breath, awareness, well-aligned and long-held poses to reveal habits of checking out, and then to allow them to crumble so students can learn how to, instead, show up on the mat and in their lives. Modifications for beginners and more advanced students will be offered. Health conditions, injuries and chronic pain will be honored and attended to (please show up 15 minutes early if this applies). For more information on Doreen and her philosophy, visit:
Brunch Details:
Following practice you will be served a locally sourced, primarily organic, seasonal dinner prepared by May Takahashi and Shaheen Nazerali. While the menu will be finalized upon a trip to the farmer's market that weekend, you can rest assured that you are in good will be served a colorful plate of food with all three macronutrients: carbohydrates, proteins, and fats, reflecting the flavorful bounty of fall's harvest. For more details on food prepared by May and Shaheen, you can visit Dish!ng and visit the “Meals” category on the drop down menu.
Yoga & Dinner
$45 (advance payment)
$50 (at the door)
$45 (advance payment)
$50 (at the door)
Mat and other yoga supplies and water will be provided free of charge.
Option #1: Pay by cash or check
Send email to You will receive a confirmation email including address to send payment, directions to location, and other details.
Option #2: Pay online
You will receive a confirmation email including directions to location and other details.
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